Wednesday 16 February 2011

In the begining...

FAT:  (fæt)
Having too much flabby tissue 
Corpulent ( I like that one...)

The best or richest  part of anything.

Hi my name is Sonja-Lee and I am ALL of the above.

However after careful consideration I have decided to shift the pounds... 84 to be exact, much to the dismay of all the fatphiles out there. I have also decided to document my journey as truthfully as possible via this medium. Mostly in the hope that sheer shame will keep me on track, knowing that people will be following my progress as well as having a record of how far I've come. You have my permission to stop me in the supermarket if you see me picking up inappropriate foods or beverages and to tell me to put them back... even if I say I'm purchasing said items for a 'friend' I can tell you from now it is a lie! A lie from the pit of hell!!!

My diet of choice is the Cambridge diet (other weight loss plans are available) which is effectively a meal replacement scheme- its not fun, but my counsellor assures me that in 17 weeks I'll be svelte and sexy. I had to remind him that I was sexy already but I was looking forward to reuniting with the inner skinny me.

Well I don't want to bombard you with too much on my first post. I look forward to hearing from you - maybe with some tips or words of encouragement. Heck even haters are welcomed as you comments will only serve to propel me.

I haven't started yet- my 'tomorrow' is yet to arrive as I always remember the 'last meal' I just have to have so that it doesn't haunt me during the process... It looks like I'll be starting on Monday 21st February, just so that I have enough time to empty my kitchen of the good stuff :-)

Until next time...

Sonja-Lee xx


  1. LOL@reminding your counsellor that you're already sexy! I am so very proud of you for pursuing your goals and bow down to you for using this medium. But, alas, whatever it takes to serve as that motivation, it must be done. I won't be able to stalk you in supermarkets, but a friendly word of encouragement, from time to time, can't hurt, I'm sure. XO.

  2. Congratulations on this brave step. I will be supporting you all the way! x p.s. You are gorgeous (inside and out) and always will be xxx

  3. Wow Congrats Sonja, I look forward to the new you (not that the old you wasn't Fabulous), but there is indeed a time for all things. And this is the time for this. I know you can do it. I know you can!!

  4. @ Mel, thanks hun please feel free to do some transatlantic stalking. I'll need it...

    @ Chichi thanks for the support and practical help xx Oh and of course the support of Mr E xx

    @ Life of a Stranger your encouragement is not only needed but truly appreciated xx

  5. lol...u're funny!
    Will try to support as best as I can...

    A "Go Girl", every now and then.

  6. U r a very pretty lady Sonja (and I hope u don't mind a fellow lady saying that)and u don't look big, erm sorry fat, at all, but I admire your will to, as u put it - shift the pounds ...I'm trying to do same myself, so I'll be looking out for tips from u...all the best.

  7. @ H- Loving your pic :-) Thanks for the support, looking forward to getting to know ya...

    @ Anoda- Thanks hun. As you'll see in the pics to come its all about clever camera tricks! Not the prettiness, thats ALL real, but I am definitely fat lol... Re weight loss if you are in the right head space go for it, if not then have another dumpling til you are ;-)

  8. Hi Sonja,

    Congratulations on taking the step to change something about yourself that you don't like rather than just sit and moan about it.

    I wish you every success especially when faced with those cravings your body will throw at you when you need them the least.

    May your resolve remain strong in the face of every temptation and may the grace of God sustain you through the process.

    I look forward to reading all about the journey.

  9. Hi Sonja,

    Congrats hun, sorry to follow you a bit late Just been so busy. Anyways I am watching you with my 2 HUGE EYES lol. Wish all the best and we are all here to support you.


  10. Thanks Vimbai, it really means a lot xxx

    @ Wordsmythe, the cravings have started already and its only day 3 :-( Thanks for the support tho xx
